Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Next verse, same as the first

It is amazing to see JD doing the same things that Lexie did at that age. It brings back tons of memories. Here are two pictures to show you. They are Lexie and JD in my shoes at about the same ages




Today we had a makeover party at Little Mama's house. Lexie put on her makeup and JD got his hair done! JD also loves to brush his teeth. He will cry if anyone brushes theirs and he doesn't get to. Right now he is at the window yelling "D! Hey!" and waving because he sees Papa D playing golf. He will actually yell this at any golfer he sees. We are ready for sunshine and warmer weather because we all have cabin fever and JD will fight you to get outside.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Naked Baby Alert

JD's favorite game now is running away from me after I get his diaper off and before I can put another one on or right after his bath. He thinks it is the funniest thing to run away naked! And boy can he scoot! He is moving really fast these days he is almost running. My dad says when he is running naked he looks like Charlie Chaplin. He is also really into dancing if any song comes on he will stop mid track and dance. He also does the movements to The Wheels on the Bus and If Your Happy and You Know It. I think he is going to be a little musician. Well, I take that back he might be an explorer because he is all over the house all the time. He has recently discovered climbing and (hold on he found a old cheese puff on the floor and is eating it, yuck!) he climbed on top of the kids' table the other day and stood up and raised his hands up! We also have a baby gate on our stairs but one of our spindles is missing and he has figured how to climb through. This is why I haven't blogged lately. I am constantly getting him out of trouble!!

Another reason I haven't blogged is because Lexie has been playing on the computer. She goes to nick jr and the pbs website and plays their games. She can get on the computer herself!! Everytime she sees me try to get on the computer she says can I play? She is also learning her letters and learning to spell. She has been able to spell her name for a while but she is learning other things too. Her favorite is NO. She will tell JD N..O.. that means NO!! Then he will try to bite her!! Ah sibling rivalry. Katie you have something to look forward to as you well know little brothers are always terrorizing their big sisters and they start right away!