Friday, January 18, 2008

JD at One Year Old

Well JD is now officially over the chicken pox and we can resume normal life and go out in public. I would like to document his accomplishments at a year.

As you all know he started his little life out with a bang. Hospitalized at 4 days old for Jaundice, very high levels of jaundice, they went about trying to figure out why they were so high. Which they discovered was a MRSA urinary tract infection. We had no idea what that meant because only this year have they had all the news coverage of it. Well we found out. He went through so much two spinal taps, so many heel pricks that there was no room to do it, iv medication for 10 days. He was a trooper through all of this and thrived.

Then when we got home we discovered the spots on him and back to the hospital we went. Vandy this time. We stayed there for a week and no one could tell us what this was. I now know we didn't need to be there and it was my own terror that put us there. But how can you rationalize with a new mother and her hormones. We were sent home I was put on medication for PPD and anxiety which helped alot!!

Finally we found out that JD has a very rare skin disorder called Mastocytosis. So rare in fact that 10 doctors at one of the best hospitals in the country could not tell us what it was. His own ped had never seen it. Finally a dermatologist took one look at him and said this is what it is and it is no big deal! WHAT!! But we have found out that it is not a big deal and he is already starting to outgrow it..

He has turned out to be a very curious, adventurous boy. He loves to explore the house, cabinets, potties, anything. He works hard at figuring out things and he loves to punch buttons. He also loves to climb the stairs and climb into the shower.

He can say uh oh, dog, mama, dada, lilly, ball, D (as in Papa D), and tries to say lexie. He loves to yell hey.

He loves going outside and I wish it was warmer because he cries if he has to go in. He absolutely loves his big sister and wants to do everything she does and has to have everything she has. If she has one sippy cup he has to have the same one.

He also loves to chew on toothbrushes. Not new ones old ones that have just been used with a little bit of toothpaste leftover! He is also running all over the house and getting into everything. We are so blessed!!!

He n

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